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[Free Online Workshop] Biotech Financing 101: from Angels, Government Agencies, Foundations and VCs

Speakers: Winnie Wan, PhD; Keith Wycoff PhD (Planet Biotech); Jian Lou , PhD (NIH/NCI); Donald McCarthy, PhD (Dawn Biopharma), Stephanie Oestreich, PhD (Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation)
Organizers: Shichang Miao, PhD
Date: 2025-03-27
Time: 8:30-12:30 Pacific Time
Registration fee: Free
Location: Online via Zoom
Major Sponsor:
Vendor show vendors registered to date:
Registration deadline:2025-03-26  (it will close sooner if the seating cap is reached)

About the Topic

Biotech entrepreneurs face the daunting task of securing funding for startup and growth phase activities, from conception through commercialization. Financing sources include seed and angel investors, philanthropic and targeted foundations, government agencies and programs, and venture capitalists. Our panel of experienced entrepreneurs and investors will share their experiences and advice on navigating the landscape, pros and cons of the various sources, do's and don'ts, tips for interacting with potential investors, and best practices to maximize efficiency and chances for success. 

2025-02-26, [In-Person] Demystifying Biopharma Business Development: Understanding the Process and Thriving as a BD Professional
2025-03-07, [In-Person] Clinical Trial Planning and Conduct: Fundamentals, Strategies and Best Practices
2025-04-01, [For vendors ONLY] Seattle PBSS Seminar Luncheon Vendor Show
2025-04-09, [In-Person] Cell Therapy Discovery and Development: Fundamentals, Strategies and Best Practices (jointly by PBSS and RAPS-SF)
2025-04-22, [Free Online Workshop] Career Transitions for Research Scientists: BD/Sales in CROs, CDMOs, and Lab Products & Instruments
2025-04-25, [In-Person] Drug Metabolism Fundamentals and Metabolite Identification
2025-05-05, [Free Online] Highlights of 2024 FDA Drug Approvals
2025-05-12, [In-Person] Preclinical Pharmacology Studies and Translational Medicine for Drug Discovery and Development
2025-06-02, [In-Person] Metabolism and Transport-mediated Drug-Drug Interaction: Current Practices, Regulatory Guidances, and Their Impact on Drug Development
©Pharmaceutical & BioScience Society, International; Last Modified: 2/13/2025; Admin Logon
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