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Gate Bioscience Director of Toxicology
Nura Bio Director of Toxicology
Nura Bio Vice President of CMC
MilliporeSigma Emerging Biotech Market Development Manager - San Fransisco
How Cancer LLC Social Media Digital Marketing Specialist  
How Cancer LLC Syndicated National Writer - Cancer 
University of California, Davis SCREENING SUPERVISOR
InnoAlliance Scientist/Sr Scientist of Bioanalysis & Biomarkers
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Membership Fee?

A: Zero!

Q: Cancellation Policy


  • Meetings Attendees - All refund requests made by attendees must be received through the website at least three working days before the event begins. All refund transactions will be made in full, less any processing fee. Refunds due to cancellation of an event will be made in full.
  • Major sponsorships - payments are refundable minus a $500 penalty up to 2 months prior to the date of the sponsored event.
  • Vendor shows - payments are refundable minus a $100 penalty up to 2 weeks prior to the date of the sponsored event.
    After the refund deadline, the sponsorship payment becomes non-refundable. All refund requests must be made online at the Event Registration page after you log into your account.

Q: How to print the receipt for a registered event?


  • Log into your account.
  • For an upcoming event, go to My Events => Event Registration. In the event table, click on the View Receipt link in the line of the desired event.
  •  For a past event, go to My Events => Order History. In the event table, select the check box in the line of the desired event, then click on the View Receipt button above the table.
  • Using the Print function of your web browser, print the receipt.

Q: Should vendor reps pay for workshop attendance?

A: For the major sponsor of a workshop, we allow two of the sponsor's representatives to attend the workshop free of charge. No registration for the workshop is needed. You can claim your two passes and slide handouts at the workshop check-in desk.

If you are signing up for the vendor show of a workshop, you're allowed to attend the workshop free of charge but you need to pay for the slide handout (in the registration step's workshop attendance section, select "for vendor reps", in addition to the Vendor Show).

A vendor can send in any number of reps to the vendor show, but any additional vendor reps other than those allowed above need to register for the workshop attendance separately like a regular attendee.

Q: Information for sponsoring our events:

A: Please visit the Sponsorship page from the top menu.

©Pharmaceutical & BioScience Society, International; Last Modified: 2/13/2025; Admin Logon
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($250 for 2 months)

Hypha Discovery Synthesis, purification & NMR characterization of phase I and II drug metabolites & API impurities at mg-g scale with COAs.
Allucent Experts bringing development innovation w/ClinPharm Modeling & Simulation deliverables to inform dose, study design, modeling+development strategies.
Alturas Analytics, Inc. Expert Regulated & Non-Regulated LC-MS, GC-MS bioanalytical & PK/TK analysis of small & large molecules in any matrix. Discovery through phase IV.
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