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Gate Bioscience Director of Toxicology
Nura Bio Director of Toxicology
Nura Bio Vice President of CMC
MilliporeSigma Emerging Biotech Market Development Manager - San Fransisco
How Cancer LLC Social Media Digital Marketing Specialist  
How Cancer LLC Syndicated National Writer - Cancer 
University of California, Davis SCREENING SUPERVISOR
InnoAlliance Scientist/Sr Scientist of Bioanalysis & Biomarkers
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Seminar Luncheons

Our FREE seminar luncheons are typically held quarterly on a Friday, from 11:15 AM to 1:30 PM. This is a popular event type for networking and for learning the latest advances on diverse topics relevant to drug discovery and development.

The vendor show during the seminar luncheon allows attendees to interact with vendors and win great prizes from them. Be sure to bring your business cards for entering the raffles!

For information on the upcoming seminar luncheons, click here.

Click to view Past Seminar Luncheons

©Pharmaceutical & BioScience Society, International; Last Modified: 2/13/2025; Admin Logon
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Alturas Analytics, Inc. Expert Regulated & Non-Regulated LC-MS, GC-MS bioanalytical & PK/TK analysis of small & large molecules in any matrix. Discovery through phase IV.
Allucent Experts bringing development innovation w/ClinPharm Modeling & Simulation deliverables to inform dose, study design, modeling+development strategies.
Hypha Discovery Synthesis, purification & NMR characterization of phase I and II drug metabolites & API impurities at mg-g scale with COAs.
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