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Past Events:

All of our past events are listed below.

  • For further event details, click on the event title and speakers' names.
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Date & time: 2024-07-18; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Antibody-Drug Conjugates 최근 연구 동향: Chemistry, Antibody-Engineering, Bioanalytical and ADME/PK/Tox 측면
Place: online via Zoom (presented in Korean language)
Date & time: 2024-07-09; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Next Generation TPD Platform Review & Introduction of bioPROTAC (차세대 표적단백질분해 기술 리뷰 및 바이오프로탁 소개
Place: online via Zoom (presented in Korean language)
Date & time: 2024-04-25; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Nonclinical development in a view of gap analysis (비임상 개발과 비교분석)
Place: online via Zoom (presented in Korean language)
Date & time: 2024-03-15; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Review of FDA-AACR workshop on Optimizing Dosages for Oncology Drug Products
Place: online via Zoom (presented in Korean language)
Date & time: 2023-03-10; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Recent trends in Alzheimer's disease drug development (알츠하이머 치료제 최신 동향)
Place: Online via Zoom
Date & time: 2023-02-21; 13:00-17:30 Korea Time
Workshop: Metabolite Identification using MS/MS and other techniques for drug discovery and development : Hands-on Perspectives
Place: 충남대 약대 (W6) 1층 삼남홀 (대전시 유성구 대학로 99)
Date & time: 2023-02-17; 14:00-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Global Oncology Trends in 2023: Focus on Big Pharma's JPM23 presentation
Place: online via Zoom
Date & time: 2022-05-20; 10:00-12:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Review of recent US FDA draft guidance for CAR-T cell products and considerations of CAR-T preclinical/clinical pharmacokinetics
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2022-04-20; 16:00-18:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Importance in targeting the right patient from the discovery phase: A case study
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2022-03-25; 10:00-12:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Votage gated sodium channels for pain relief (전압의존성 소듐채널을 타겟으로한 통증치료제 개발)
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2022-02-22; 10:00-12:00 Korea Time
Workshop: A Practical Guide to University-Based Biotech Startups in South Korea: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2022-02-18; 10:00-12:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Global Oncology Trends: From AACR21 to ASH21 and JPM22
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2021-10-21; 15:00-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Development of Antibody Drug Conjugates: Updates and current trends from drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics perspectives
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2021-09-30; 15:00-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Importance and Role of Biostatistics in Clinical Development
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2020-11-16; 15:00-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Real-World Evidence and National Health Insurance Database for Evaluating Drug Safety and Effectiveness
Place: Online via zoom
Date & time: 2020-02-04; 9:30-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Preclinical Development & IND/CTA Filing: DMPK, Safety, CMC, Clinical Plans & Regulatory Issues
Place: Chungnam National University, College of Pharmacy, 1st floor 삼남홀 (충남대약대)
Date & time: 2019-11-28; 13:30-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 13차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Targeted covalent inhibitor drug discovery and development:Chemistry and PKPD perspectives)
Place: Samnam Hall (1st floor, College of Pharmacy), Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2019-10-17; 13:15-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 12차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Antibody Drug Conjugates: Recent Trends of Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacokinetics))
Place: Samnam Hall (1st floor, College of Pharmacy), Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2019-05-30; 13:30-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 11차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Enhancing Biopharmaceutical Properties of Poorly Soluble Compounds (부제: amorphous solid dispersion))
Place: Daeduk Hall (Jeongsimhwa building), Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2018-12-14; 13:30-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 10차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Strategies for Metabolite Identification in Drug Discovery and Development)
Place: 대덕홀 Daeduk Hall (정심화국제문화회관), 대전 유성구 대학로 99 충남대학교 내
Date & time: 2018-05-23; 13:30-16:30 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 9차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Drug development strategy in China with NDA in mind with recent CFDA reform)
Place: SamNam Hall (1st floor conference room), College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2018-02-27; 13:30-16:30 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 8차 Korea-PBSS workshop (LC-MS applications for Biologics: PK and metabolism/catabolism perspectives)
Place: 4th floor conference room, College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2017-08-29; 13:30-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: 제 7차 Korea-PBSS workshop (Human PK prediction for Small Molecules and Monoclonal Antibodies)
Place: 4th floor conference room, College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2017-07-18; 13:30-16:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Getting the Most from your CRO Collaboration
Place: 4th floor conference room, College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University
Date & time: 2016-12-20; 14:00-17:00 Korea Time
Workshop: Best Practices in Oncology Preclinical Pharmacology
Place: Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Seoul Pangyo (8F Courtyard Room)
Date & time: 2016-08-30; 13:30-16:30 Korea Time
Workshop: Formulation Development for Therapeutic Proteins and Antibodies: From Preclinical to Post-Marketing
Place: 충남대학교 약학대학 4층 대형강의실 (유성구 대학로 99)
Date & time: 2016-05-27; 9:30-15:00 Korea Time
Workshop: A Primer on Development of Antibody Therapeutics
Place: 충남대학교 약학대학 4층 대형강의실 (유성구 대학로 99)
Date & time: 2015-08-13; 9:30-17:30 Korea Time
Workshop: Preclinical Development & IND/CTA Filing: DMPK, Safety, CMC, Clinical Plans & Regulatory Issues
Place: Chungnam National University, College of Pharmacy, 4th floor 대형강의실 (충남대약대)
Date & time: 2015-05-27; 9:30-15:00 Korea Time
Workshop: A Primer on Development of Antibody Therapeutics
Place: 충남대학교 약학대학 4층 대형강의실 (유성구 대학로 99)
Date & time: 2014-09-19; 12:45-17:30 Korea Time
Webcast: LC-MS/MS PK Assays for Proteins and Antibodies: Fundamentals, Advances, and Regulatory Considerations
Place: Webcast from SF Bay Area
Date & time: 2014-09-05; 12:45-17:30 Korea Time
Webcast: Nonclinical Safety and PK/TK Assessments for Small Molecule and Biologic Therapeutics (Jointly with Bay Area PK/PD Network)
Place: Webcast from SF Bay Area

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©Pharmaceutical & BioScience Society, International; Last Modified: 2/13/2025; Admin Logon
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Alturas Analytics, Inc. Expert Regulated & Non-Regulated LC-MS, GC-MS bioanalytical & PK/TK analysis of small & large molecules in any matrix. Discovery through phase IV.
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