Sponsorship Info
Sponsorship Types:
Major Sponsorship
Cost: $2000 for each event (for a seminar luncheon or a half-day workshop, we allow only one Major Sponsorship slot; for a full-day workshop, we allow 2 Major Sponsorship slots, one for morning and one for afternoon)
Benefits: as the sole Major Sponsor for each event (or for the morning or afternoon session of a full-day event), you'll get great exposure through:
- distributing your product brochures to the attendees' seats
- a 10-minute podium presentation opportunity immediately before the keynote seminar
- a 6' display table at the most prominent location
Vendor Show Sponsor
Cost:$375 per show for a half-day event or a luncheon/dinner event; $475 for a full day event
Benefits: a 6' display table
Sponsorship payment Methods
ALL sponsorship payments MUST be made through our website. We do not issue purchasing orders.
Other Sponsorship Info:
You can sign up for either the major sponsorship or the vendor show of a seminar
luncheon or a workshop by visiting the Vancouver-PBSS home page and clicking
on the Register link in the event calendar.
Lunch option for vendor representatives:
- The seminar luncheon vendor show:
lunches are provided free of charge. You can sign up for the lunch option when you
sign up for the vendor show (at the registration options pop-up window). Your other
fellow reps attending the show must sign up for the lunch individually through the
seminar luncheon registration process as a regular attendee.
- The workshop/forum luncheon vendor show:
lunches are optional for a fee.
Attending the vendor show (seminar luncheon or workshop/forum):
- Each vendor (and major sponsor) will get a 6-ft vendor show table. You can display
anything approriate on the table, as well as a poster on the wall behind the table
using painters tape.
- For seminar luncheons and afternoon workshops, arrive by 11:00 AM at the venue to
set up your display on a 6-ft table (first come first serve).
- For full-day workshops, arrive by 8:00am to set up.
- If you have signed up for lunch, you need to check in with the Vancouver-PBSS
check-in desk to get your lunch ticket.
- You are encouraged to bring a door prize to attract attendees (we limit one prize
per vendor). If it is a seminar luncheon vendor show, the raffle drawing takes place
at the end of the seminar, roughly ~1:15 PM. If it is a workshop seminar, the drawing
takes place normally right before the final workshop session, ~4 PM.
- Vendor show time: Seminar luncheon vendor shows: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Afternoon Workshop
vendor shows: 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM before the workshop; During the workshop breaks
(typically ~2:30-2:45, ~3:45-4:00 PM). Morning vendor shows: ~10:30-10:45 PM
If you plan to ship your vendor show display materials to the meeting in advance:
For meeting venue shipping info, please contact info.vancouver@PBSS.org.
(Indicate on your package "For your name; Vancouver-PBSS Meeting on Date")
Refund Policy for Vendors:
Major sponsorship payments are refundable minus a $500 penalty up to 3 months prior
to the date of the sponsored event. Vendor show payments are refundable minus a
$100 penalty up to 2 weeks prior to the date of the sponsored event. After the refund
deadline, the sponsorship payment becomes non-refundable. All refund requests must
be made online after you log into your account. We hope that you can understand
this, since Vancouver-PBSS is an entirely volunteer-run organization and we
have to minimize the effort our volunteers have to spend on dealing with such issues.
Vancouver-PBSS Policy on Membership Information Sharing:
In order to protect the privacy of our members, our membership information, such
as membership list and meeting attendees list, is strictly used for Vancouver-PBSS
business only and can not be shared with anyone or any party outside the Vancouver-PBSS
Vancouver-PBSS Policy on Vendor Speakers:
We often receive interests from vendors in providing a speaker for one of our meetings.
Unfortunately, in order to avoid any impression of commercial promotion or vendor
favoritism, the Vancouver-PBSS policy generally prohibits use of vendor speakers,
except in rare cases where a vendor holds a unique technology that we are interested
in hearing about. One compromise solution is that vendors can recommend a client
scientist who is an expert on the vendor's technology.
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Experts bringing development innovation w/ClinPharm Modeling & Simulation deliverables to inform dose, study design, modeling+development strategies.
Alturas Analytics, Inc.
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